Unique highboard by Carl Aage Skov


ONE OF A KIND! Unique highboard with a great finish. There really is only one of this design. It belonged to Carl Aage Skov, the foreman and designer of Munch Møbler in Slagelse, Denmark.
The tambour doors are not only practical but a wonderful design as well and have been finished with beautiful subtle handles. The cabinet has 4 drawers. Two visible and two inside. The highboard has minimal signs of use only very small scratches which are barely visible. It is in excellent vintage condition.


L. 153 cm; H. 167 cm; D. 42 cm.

Categorie ,
Kleur Bruin
Materiaal Hout
Gebruiksporen Krassen
Beschrijving gebruiksporen Zeer minimale krasjes, nauwelijks zichtbaar.

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